Visto en ninguna parte es...

El lugar donde iré dejando algunas de las cosas que voy viendo por ahí, y puede que también algo de lo que pienso, veremos cómo evoluciona... Espero y agradeceré todas las críticas en cada post.
I'll leave here some of the things that I see from where I am, and maybe what I think on the side... We'll see how it grows. All critics will be very appreciated in every post.

lunes, 30 de abril de 2012

Spaniard in England // Español en Inglaterra

This time, it's more about a personal experience that I have today than about pictures. I had a lot of different feelings today about my country and my people, wichever those are.

Esta vez la entrada va más de una experiencia personal que he pasado hoy que sobre fotos. Tuve un montón de sentimientos hoy sobre mi país y mi gente, cualesquiera que esos sean.

Spaniard: If you are coming over England to say that it's shit, that the weather is very bad and that the English people are mental, while you show your ugliest face and you smash it with: "I prefer to stay with the spanish sun". Alright, I wish you better had done it.
You stay with the sun in Spain while I stay with the English people and their desire to improve. Their continous changes for a better job and a better house, their perpetual what should I do with my life, my life, my life and not other people lives.
I'll stay with their music, their cd's shops, their pound, their cheap clothes, their expensive clothes, the way how they look like and how they like their beer, Their mid-week dinners in a restaurant, their parks, their races, and which might be their best: Their holidays in Spain, their holidays in Spain with the sun that you stayed with.

This I just said may sound a bit exaggerated, but I live here in England and I miss Spain, Spain is the best of course, but England  is much better now even not having the sun.

Spaniard: If you come here, you first think that this is another country, a very different one. And you'll feel welcome.

Español: Si vas a venir a Inglaterra a decir que es una mierda, que hace muy malo y que los ingleses están muy mal, mientras pones cara de asco y lo rematas con un: "Yo me quedo con el sol de España". Pues me parece muy bien, ojalá lo hubieras hecho.

Quédate con el sol de España, yo me quedo en Inglaterra con las ganas de mejorar de su gente. Sus continuos cambios a trabajo y casa mejores, su eterno qué me gustaría hacer con mi vida, su vida, su vida y no la de los demás; con su música, sus tiendas de discos, sus pounds, su ropa barata, su ropa cara, sus pintas (las que llevan y las que les ponen en los pubs, ambas) sus cenas de restaurante entre semana, sus parques, sus carreras de caballos, y lo mejor: sus vacaciones en España, al sol de España con el que tú te quedas.

Igual suena un poco exagerado, pero yo vivo aquí y echo de menos España, España es la mejor, pero Inglaterra ahora mismo nos gana y sin el sol siquiera.

Español: si vienes primero piensa que es otro país, y en este caso uno muy diferente. Y siéntete bienvenido.

See you next time, hopefully with a happier issue.
Nos vemos la próxima vez, esperemos que con un tema más alegre.

martes, 3 de abril de 2012

Spring changes

The new season just begun, and lots of changes are coming with it, apart from my new class (where I'n not going to take a picture)
I will show here a few things that this spring has brought to me. As usual, it's only the sun, the people, the colours, but this few things can have a lot of meaning when you are abroad for so long time... Thanks everyone.

 Joana, another sun lover like me in a country most of the time covered by clouds.

 Lucía, luz y alegría. La mejor visita que esperemos se alargue. Tenemos 8 semanas para cumplir el desafío.

 It's been sunny a few days, we all know how good is that for our minds health...
 I've discovered new possibilities with the camera...

 I fell in love with a car... Next time I'll be driving it!

And I've seen my people in Spain, only a few days as well, but very good days though.

Cristina, so good inspiration, my favourite camaleon owner of an invisible hat.

I'll try to carry on with the blog more often now. This is a period of changes so will see, one of the things is to keep the blog alive. If this happens, smile for me because things will be going well. Cheers.

martes, 29 de noviembre de 2011

The first time // La primera vez.

Bueno, solo dejaré esta vez, y porque es la primera solo una fotuela. Cómo cuando llegamos a Budapest, nada más dejar las maletas bajamos las escaleras para salir a la calle y descubrir la nueva ciudad. Hoy vuelvo a bajar las escaleras para descubrir algo nuevo otra vez, veremos lo que da de sí este blog, espero que os guste y que un montón de gente lo siga y lo comente. Un abrazo a todos.

Just this and because it's the first time I'll leave one picture. As we did just when we arrived Budapest, we left the luggage in the room and came downstairs to wonder the new city, I do today. Going downstairs again to see how far this blog goes. I hope you like it and hope as well many people to follow it and comment. See you down here next time.